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This section will help you learn how to use different tools to make sure Gleen AI works well for your specific needs after it's set up and trained.
A good AI Agent depends on a good knowledge base. Make sure the information you feed into your AI is clear and up-to-date. The "garbage in, garbage out" principle highlights the importance of carefully curating the content Gleen AI interacts with.
Use this when the AI gets something wrong, or you want to improve specific answers based on what has happened before. It's good for making quick, specific changes.
Think of a guideline as a rule which you would want the bot to follow while answering user questions. A guideline directly impacts the bot’s behavior, so whenever there is a need to standardize the bot's responses or actions across specific scenarios, write a guideline. A good Example of a guideline is:
Do not mention the names of discord users while quoting their chat messages in your answer.
If you need to set the Tone or Identity of the AI, use the Bot Tone
and Bot Identity
Human Feedback: Use this tool to correct or modify AI responses to specific questions. This is particularly useful when the AI provides an incorrect or unsatisfactory answer. By providing targeted feedback, you can directly influence how the AI responds in future interactions. Follow this guide on .
AI Personality and Guidelines: You can find this page by navigating to the "Configure Bot's Personality" tab under "Bot Settings" in the sidebar. This section of the Dashboard allows you to set the Bot Tone, Bot Name, Bot Identity and Answering Guidelines.
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