Best Practices for configuring the Gleen AI Bot’s personality and guidelines

Creating effective guidelines for your Gleen AI bot, requires a clear understanding of the bot’s capabilities and limitations. This guide provides comprehensive best practices to write guidelines which enhance your bot's performance and ensure its effectiveness.

When to write a guideline?

Think of a guideline as a rule which you would want the bot to follow while answering user questions. A guideline directly impacts the bot’s behavior, so whenever there is a need to standardize the bot's responses or actions across specific scenarios, write a guideline. Regular review and updating of guidelines are necessary as the bot evolves and as user needs or business objectives change.

It is crucial to understand the Gleen AI bot capabilities and then decide if you really need to add a guideline because implementing guidelines without a clear understanding of the AI bot's inherent functionalities and limitations could lead to redundant rules or expectations that either overlap with existing capabilities or are beyond the bot's ability to execute.

Understanding the Gleen AI bot's Capabilities

  • The AI bot can have conversations, answer questions, greet, and interact in a natural manner. You can customize its name, personality, and how it speaks through settings in the Dashboard. The bot will communicate based on these customizations.

  • The AI bot tries to ask clarifying questions to the user in case of confusion because of the information provided to the bot.

  • The AI bot can direct users to human representatives if Gleen Ticketing is enabled.

  • The AI bot’s capabilities can be extended by enabling agents for the bot. For instance, if we add an "Order Status" agent, the bot can now get and share details about orders, like what's in the order and where it is. It can also ask the user for any information it needs to use these added agents.

Best Practices:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the AI bot's capabilities to avoid redundant guidelines.

  2. Make the guidelines clear, concise, simple, and readable. Think about how you would instruct a human!

  3. Keep guidelines brief; complex sentences are challenging to follow.

  4. If a guideline becomes lengthy, consider dividing it into separate, more specific guidelines.

  5. To adjust the bot's tone or identity, use the designated fields on the Dashboard for Add Tone to Your Bot and Add Identity for Your Bot instead of adding new guidelines.

  6. Familiarize yourself with the AI bot's capabilities to avoid redundant guidelines.

  7. Avoid incorporating frequently asked questions into the guidelines, as this may overwhelm and confuse the bot. Consider a situation where you are given 20 instructions to follow; it's likely you'll become confused and make errors. Instead, use re-training of the bot with updated knowledge or provide human feedback to correct the answers. Here is a short video which explains the human feedback process

  8. Learn from the examples provided below in the guide.

Bot Identity Example:

A gaming platform company, established a clear bot identity to ensure consistent and engaging interactions with developers.

You are supporting developers building on <company_name> platform, the home of web3 gaming, and you're acting as the Prodigy AI Intern.

Bot Tone Example:

A gaming platform company, set the perfect tone to make the bot match the tone of its audience.

Accurate, informative, helpful, business informal with a light sense of humor wherever appropriate.

Guideline Examples:

A food delivery company added a guideline to help the bot address the availability of delivery options in a positive manner, improving customer satisfaction.

If delivery is unavailable for a customer, mention 'Please check back again soon as we keep expand our delivery regions.'

A company’s bot operating across multiple communication channels, adapting the response style to fit the medium enhances the user experience.

If the user is asking the question from the Website channel, use emojis whenever appropriate. If the user is asking the question from the Email channel, do not generate any emojis.

A guideline added to help the bot comply with the platform rules set by the company.

Do not mention the names of discord users while quoting their chat messages in your answer.

A guideline added to adapt to the changes in service offerings by the company.

Klarna is no longer a financing option. If you find mention of 'Klarna' in the information provided to you, Ignore the information.

Last updated